Try using a submit instead:

{{=INPUT(_type="submit", _value="Update data", _action="URL(r=request,
f="update_form", args=company[0].id))}}

On Jan 14, 9:41 am, annet <> wrote:
> I have a form containing two buttons, one to update data and one to
> close the window:
> {{=INPUT(_type='button',_value='Update
> data',_onclick=URL(r=request,f='update_form',args=[company[0].id]))}}
> {{=INPUT(_type='button',_value='Close window',_onclick='closeWin()')}}
> The second button works, the first button doesn't. When I replace the
> code for the first button with:
> <button
> onclick="document.location='{{=URL(r=request,f='update_form',args=[company[ 
> 0].id])}}';">update
> gegevens</button>
> The first button works as well, however, I don't understand why? I
> hope one of you can provide me with an explanation.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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