Thank You Bruno and Alexandre for your answers.
I think I have now downloaded the attachment but not written it anywhere
yet. Would it be possible to use the uploads function i web2py to save
the file in uploads and update a table with info about the new file?
You should look to the built in modules:
from poplib import *
from imaplib import *
I used poplib to get raw text messages, but I never get attached
files, but I guess it can do it.
2011/1/10 Kenneth Lundström <
A gateway that works the other way. Instead of sending emails from
web2py I悲 like to receive emails.
I惴 working on a app where you upload PDF:s containing receipts.
Those PDF:s are usually scanned in a photocopier that emails the
PDF to your email. Then you have to login in to my app and upload
it. So my idea was to give the photocopier another email adress
which my app reads and extracts the PDF from it
Has anybody made anything like this? Where should I start? I guess
it should be some kind of pop/imap client polling the postbox and
reading and extrating everything from it.
Bruno Rocha