I just found out. Here is a complete list:

 am happy to announce that we have been able to accept the following
tutorials for PyCon 2011:
Wednesday AM (7)
* Python 101
* Pinax Solutions
* Web2py Secrets
* Scientific Python Tools not only for Scientists and Engineers
* Distributed and Cloud computing with Python
* Building your own tile server using OpenStreetMap
* Advanced Python I

Wednesday PM (7)
* Google App Engine workshop
* Python For Total Beginners Using "Learn Python The Hard Way"
* Mining and Visualizing Data from the Social Web with Python
* Advanced Python II
* Packet Crafting with Python
* Packaging, Documenting, and Distributing your Python Codebase
* Geospatial Computation and Visualization Cooperative Lab

Thursday AM (7)
* Hands on Beginning Python
* Mastering Python 3 I/O
* Creating GUI Applications in Python using Qt I
* Python/Django deployment workshop
* Applied Machine Learning in Python with scikit-learn
* Doing Data Structures in Python
* (Re-)Introduction to C for Pythonistas

Thursday PM (7)
* Hands on Intermediate Python
* Cooking with Python 3
* Creating GUI Applications in Python using Qt II
* Faster Python Programs through Optimization
* Writing Python extensions in C
* Deploying web applications to the cloud
* Documenting Your Project With Sphinx

On Jan 5, 4:28 pm, Stefaan Himpe <stefaan.hi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seems like good news to start 2011 :)
> Best regards,
> Stefaan.

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