With mssql2:// it gives another error:

Thread-7 2011-01-04 13:34:58,770 ERROR login() Traceback (most recent call 
  File "c:\web2py\applications\scandabamc/controllers/default.py", line 129, 
in login
    user = _find_user_by_name(request.vars.username)
  File "c:\web2py\applications\scandabamc/controllers/default.py", line 164, 
in _find_user_by_name
    return tntdb((tntdb.Employees.networkUsername == username) & 
(tntdb.Employees.isManager == True)).select()
  File "c:\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 4507, in select
    return self.db._adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
  File "c:\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 1003, in select
    rows = response(sql)
  File "c:\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 994, in response
  File "c:\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 1851, in execute
    return self.log_execute(a,'utf8')
  File "c:\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 1064, in log_execute
    return self.cursor.execute(*a,**b)
ProgrammingError: ('The SQL contains 0 parameter markers, but 1 parameters 
were supplied', 'HY000')

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