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Finally I had enough time to find out, where is the main root of my
memory leak.

Consider two scenarios:

1. start web2py server

2. execute controller function with contents:

def blah():
    return Storage(dict(nick=db.person[1].nick))

p = cache.ram('blahblah',blah,time_expire=30)

3. guppy stats:

Partition of a set of 119902 objects. Total size = 17240104 bytes.
 Index  Count   %     Size   % Cumulative  % Kind (class / dict of class)
     0  64658  54  5946560  34   5946560  34 str
     1  24649  21  2172768  13   8119328  47 tuple
     2    624   1  2091648  12  10210976  59 dict of gluon.dal.Field
     3    706   1   888112   5  11099088  64 dict (no owner)
     4    282   0   876912   5  11976000  69 dict of module
     5   6701   6   804120   5  12780120  74 types.CodeType
     6   6359   5   763080   4  13543200  79 function
     7    652   1   571680   3  14114880  82 type
     8    652   1   501280   3  14616160  85 dict of type
     9    451   0   454984   3  15071144  87 dict of class
<342 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

1. start web2py server

2. execute controller function with contents (nick is plain string):

class Blah():
    def __init__(self):
        self.nick = db.person[1].nick

p = cache.ram('blahblah',Blah,time_expire=30)

3. guppy stats:

Partition of a set of 132222 objects. Total size = 21017568 bytes.
 Index  Count   %     Size   % Cumulative  % Kind (class / dict of class)
     0  69722  53  6343688  30   6343688  30 str
     1   1248   1  4183296  20  10526984  50 dict of gluon.dal.Field
     2  26193  20  2334008  11  12860992  61 tuple
     3    756   1   987360   5  13848352  66 dict (no owner)
     4    282   0   876912   4  14725264  70 dict of module
     5   7056   5   846720   4  15571984  74 types.CodeType
     6   6686   5   802320   4  16374304  78 function
     7    654   0   573440   3  16947744  81 type
     8    654   0   501840   2  17449584  83 dict of type
     9    459   0   471048   2  17920632  85 dict of class
<356 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

Please, look at dict of gluon.dal.Field. In the second scenario the
count is doubled, which means that db model remains in the memory twice,
which is bad.

I did not try the same with simplier model, so I do not have idea
whether it matters.

In my case it will not be too difficult to replace my own classes with
dicts or Storages, but maybe the findings will help somebody else facing
similar leak..

Nice year to all :)

- --
David Zejda, Open-IT cz
web development & services
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