On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:47 PM, Christopher Steel wrote:
> you could "become" the www-data user with
> su www-data
> change to /home/www-data/web2py
> and then run the commands:
> python -c "from gluon.widget import console; console();"
> and
> python -c "from gluon.main import save_password;
> save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"
> echo "done!"
> In the mean time I am going to try it myself... looks like fun.

I keep forgetting you can reach inside and do this stuff. 

Yes, the second command, at least, works very nicely. I don't quite follow what 
the console() run is intended to do, though. The script could use one or two 
more comments.

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