I´m still trying to understand the power of powerTable and copied code from your default.py example, I tried to get the products function working. What I can´t seem to get working is the virtual bit.

I get KeyError: 'virtual' any ideas why?


2010/12/29 Kenneth Lundström <kenneth.t.lundst...@gmail.com <mailto:kenneth.t.lundst...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Bruno,

    waauu what a Plugin your working on, very nice.

    What does the productdetails function look like?

In the main table every row has two attributes

ID = it is the record id from rows object, if there is not an id field it will be the first row value.
Key = tablename.fieldname to query against

In that example the category table is passing i.e: key=products.category.1 cols=[a list of columns to fetch in detail]

the productdetails functions just splits the key and creates a new SQLTABLE

def productdetails():
tablename,fieldname,value = key.split('.')
return SQLTABLE(powertable_db(powertable_db.tablename.fieldname==value).select(**cols))

Following this model it is possible to do whatever you need, bulld any html object to return in detail table, by default, wthout writing any code i can return a update/insert FORM, a TABLE, a UL list.

Now I am trying to include tabs within details to return multiple objects.


Bruno Rocha

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