Strange problem with checkbox. I have a component that puts up a

#    _onclick="ajax('%(url)s',['apply-%(id)s'],':eval');return

As you can see from the above, I've tried getting this to work 2
different ways: one with the regular ajax post and the other with the
equivalent web2py_ajax_page post.

The controller looks something like this:

def apply():
  db.mytable[int(request.args(0))]=dict(apply=True) if request.vars
else dict(apply=False)
  return ''

Two things I'm noticing. One is, when I click multiple times on the
checkbox, I'm not seeing a checkmark appear and disappear in the
checkbox. This is definitely not right.

The other thing I'm seeing is that when the checkbox state goes from
"off" to "on" as I click it, I expect to see request.vars go from
blank to a non-null value. This is not happening.

What's also strange is that this used to work before I turned the view
of this into a component. Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it?

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