I did not know that. Is that a web2py common practice? last time I
read anything similar was in TGears.

Thanks again, appreciate it!


On Dec 23, 2:38 pm, Branko Vukelić <stu...@brankovukelic.com> wrote:
> 2010/12/23 greenpoise <danel.sega...@gmail.com>:
> > brilliant!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
> You're welcome. It also helps if you build a virtual environment for
> developing your apps. Keeps things clean.
> First you get virtualenv package with:
> $ easy_install-2.7 virtualenv
> Then you just run this:
> $ virtualenv --no-site-packages /path/to/my/env
> $ cd /path/to/my/env
> $ source bin/activate
> (env) $ python
> You'll notice that the interpreter version is now 2.7.x within the
> env, and that '(env)' is printed before your prompt. As far as I know,
> you cannot exit the environment other than by exiting the shell
> altogether.
> The environment is sealed off from your local Python install, so
> anything that you install within your environment is available only
> within the environment and if you use the ``--no-site-packages`` flag,
> no packages installed in your local Python path will not be accessible
> within the environment. Now, to develop with web2py within the
> virtualenv, you just copy web2py dir into the virtualenv dir, and
> that's it. Now you can run ``./web2py.py`` normally and web2py will
> use the interpreter installed in the env.
> --
> Branko Vukelic
> stu...@brankovukelic.comhttp://www.brankovukelic.com/

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