Good. Now this thread can go into the list of many archived threads about
this topic.

Nothing will happen and things will continue as they have been, which isn't
so bad because nobody is forcing you to upgrade your web2py version each
time a new release comes out.

However, Branko, part of the problem that nobody else can even perform basic
release management. Nobody but Massimo has access to trunk, and therefore
nobody but Massimo can make releases, create branches, maintain stable etc.
This leaves the project in a odd state that the only thing that can be done
is to complain.

Its free software, if you don't like it, fork it and manage it yourself.


2010/12/23 Branko Vukelić <>

> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Jonathan Lundell <>
> wrote:
> > I suspect that we're talking at cross purposes.
> I have nothing more to say in this ridiculous thread.
> --
> Branko Vukelic

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