On Dec 23, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Arun K.Rajeevan wrote: > See following code, > I expect it to redirect to a url > 1) if user don't touch dropdown: ><lang>/<word>?indx=0 > but it shows<lang>/<word>. Why > no vars? > 2) if user altered dropdown: ><lang>/<word>?indx=5 > it's ok for first time. But if user select another item from select box > ?indx=['10'%2C+'5'] > and if select another one ?indx=['19'%2C+"['10'%2C+'5']"]
Massimo: Perhaps you can explain why indx is becoming a nested list, but setting that aside, if it *is* a list, I think the query string should be something like: ?indx=19&index=10&indx=5 That would require some additional logic in URL() for vars. > > Where did I went wrong? > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > In controller, before all functions, I've following, > > options = [OPTION(row.full + ' - ' + row.short, _value=row.id) > for row in db().select(db.languages.ALL, > cache=(cache.ram,3600)).sort(lambda a: a.full)] > options.insert(0, OPTION('All Langauges', _value=0)) > search_form = FORM(LABEL('Search a word: ', _for='word', _id='word_label', > _name='word_label'), > INPUT(_id='word', _name='word', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), > SELECT(_onblur="var f = document.search_form; > f.indx.value = this.selectedIndex;", > _name='languages', _id='languages', > requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'languages.id'), *options), > INPUT(_type='hidden', _name='indx', _id='indx', > value='0'), > INPUT(_type="submit",_value="SEARCH"), > _name='search_form') > > # form verficaion logic on submission > if search_form.accepts(request.vars, formname='search_form', hideerror=True): > lang = search_form.vars.languages > word = search_form.vars.word > indx = dict(indx = search_form.vars.indx) > redirect(URL(r=request, f='search', args=[lang, word], vars=indx)) > elif search_form.errors: #adding an element in option out of the db braked > prev mechanism. (ie., showing a flash. now that's done by show() itself. > lang = search_form.vars.languages > word = search_form.vars.word > redirect(URL(r=request, f='search', args=[lang, word])) > else: > #page loads first time > pass > >