In SQLFORM.factory's Field field: Field( 'user_id', db.auth_user, label = 'Felhasználó e-mail', requires = IS_NULL_OR( IS_IN_DB( db,, '% (first_name)s' ) ) ),
But works in 1.79.2 and seems to work if I use 'integer' and not db.auth_user I have db.define_table( 'auth_user', Field( 'id', 'id', represent = lambda id:SPAN( id, ' ', A( 'view', _href = URL( 'auth_user_read', args = id ) ) ) ), Field( 'username', type = 'string', label = T( 'Username' ) ), Field( 'first_name', type = 'string', label = T( 'First Name' ) ), Field( 'last_name', type = 'string', label = T( 'Last Name' ) ), Field( 'email', type = 'string', label = T( 'Email' ) ), Field( 'password', type = 'password', readable = False, label = T( 'Password' ) ), Field( 'created_on', 'datetime', default =, label = T( 'Created On' ), writable = False, readable = False ), Field( 'modified_on', 'datetime', default =, label = T( 'Modified On' ), writable = False, readable = False, update = ), Field( 'registration_key', default = '', writable = False, readable = False ), Field( 'reset_password_key', default = '', writable = False, readable = False ), Field( 'registration_id', default = '', writable = False, readable = False ), format = '%(username)s', migrate = settings.migrate ) auth.define_tables( migrate = settings.migrate ) Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/applications/reboot/controllers/", line 113, in <module> File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 95, in <lambda> self._caller = lambda f: f() File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 2292, in f return action(*a, **b) File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/applications/reboot/controllers/", line 90, in logok label = 'Leírás', ), File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 1182, in factory return SQLFORM(SQLDB(None).define_table(table_name, *fields), File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 3314, in define_table t._create_references() File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 3607, in _create_references rtable = self._db[rtablename] File "/home/szimszon_nfs/web2py/gluon/", line 3335, in __getitem__ return dict.__getitem__(self, str(key)) KeyError: 'auth_user' <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>('auth_user') builtinstr <type 'str'> self <DAL {'_lastsql': '', '_db_codec': 'UTF-8', 'no_..._uri': None, '_migrate': False, '_pool_size': 0}> dict.__getitem__ <method '__getitem__' of 'dict' objects> builtindict <type 'dict'> key 'auth_user' def __iter__(self): for tablename in self.tables: yield self[tablename] def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, str(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, str(key), value)