
I am new to web2py and sure not if I am doing things the best way. I
am designing an app and would like your opinion on my choices and also
how could I implement some stuff in web2py.

My problem:

I have "classes of stuff" that I want to store on the database.
"Stuff" here is very generic and could be anything. (Not related to
OO, it is part of the problem I am modeling).

The final end users of my app will be able to select a class to create
an "instance", by giving a name to it and selecting options for it.

For each class I insert on my database I may have different options
available with different values.

For example, I may have a class "person" with option "sex" with values
"male, female". A user may select this class "person" to create a
person, giving a name to it and selecting one value for its sex

I may have a class "Pie One" on my database, with an option "flavor"
with values "flavor 1, flavor 2, flavor 3" and another option "Fruit"
with values "apple, banana".

I may have another class "Pie Two" also with an option "flavor" but
now with different available values for it: "flavor 2, flavor 4" an no
option "Fruit" now.

When user chooses that it wants a "Pie One", he must also choose a
value for its "flavor", but only from available flavor for "Pie One",
and also must choose a value for its "fruit" option.

If user wants a "Pie Two", the only option is "flavor", there is no
"fruit" nor "sex" option for this class.

So far, we could have tables like this:

  id:   name:
   1     'person'
   2     'pie one'
   3     'pie two'

  id:   name:
   1     'sex'
   2     'flavor'
   3     'fruit'

  id:   option_id:   name:
   1     1            'male'
   2     1            'female'
   3     2            'flavor 1'
   4     2            'flavor 2'
   5     2            'flavor 3'
   6     2            'flavor 4'
   7     3            'apple'
   8     3            'banana'

  stuff_id:  option_value:
   1          1
   1          2
   2          3
   2          4
   2          5
   2          7
   2          8
   3          4
   3          6

>From this, I can derive the option names available for each class by
its option values (values grouped by option names actually).

When user will instantiate a class of "pie one", I want to show him a
field "flavor" with a dropdown box with available flavors for this
class, and another field "fruit" with fruits available for this class
in a dropdown box. I may have many options for each class (or none)
and the values available for the same option may be different in
different classes, so this has to be generic. How could I show these
dropdowns in web2py?

There is more. Each of theses classes will be classified in
categories, but each one may be in none or more than one category.
Also, when I display all classes of a category I must be able to
customize the order where the classes appear, and the order will be
independent for each category. I thought in implement this with
something like:

  id:   name:
   1    'people'
   2    'pies'

  category_id:  stuff_id:  position:
   2             2          2
   2             3          1

I would them retrieve items inverse ordered by position column, and
also set this column as autoincrement. This way, when I insert a new
class it will always show first on the list by default. If, lets say,
I want to insert an item on position 7, before insert it I would do:
"UPDATE StuffCategory SET position = position + 1 WHERE position >= 7"
and then insert it with its position = 7.

It would be similar to move an class to a specific position, update
all position values between it and the desired position, before
setting the desired position.

Would you guys say is this a good way to achieve this functionality or
is there a better way? Also, I don't want to write SQL directly, how
could I do this nicely in web2py?

An additional interface I'd like to provide to admin to change the
order would be to list all classes in the right order, and in from of
each class, there would be two buttons: up and down arrows. clicking
on them would swap its position with the next record. I think this
would be great in an ajax interface, but I don't have a clue how to do
it in web2py yet.

And now, my last problem. Each of these classes will have a number of
images associated with them. One of the images of each class will be
its main image. Each value may have one of its image associate with it

For this, I may have an "Image" table:

  id:  stuff_id:  image:

And add a "main_image_id" column to stuff table. I thought of
"main_image" column be a reference to image table so it would be easy
to change the main image between the images available for that class.

For the option values, I could add a column "image_id" also, where the
null value would be possible.

My problems here are more about the interfaces for inserting new
stuff. How to put all this together. For example, I imagine the
following possibilities when admin is inserting new stuff to database:

- The form for add new stuff and edit new stuff would be the same.
- This page would show all fields of stuff, and a list of all images
for it.
- Main image could be a radio button in front of the images, when the
admin inserts the first image for a stuff, it would be the main one.
- For the options, it would show a list of option values sorted by
option names.
- When adding a new option, it would show a list of all option values
in the database, sorted by options names. After selecting one, would
be possible to also select an image among the images for that stuff or
to upload a new one

Again, no idea yet how I will glue all this together. I would like to
do this in the best web2py style, using SQL Forms for example, but I
am not sure yet if it will be possible, considering the complexity of
what I am aiming.

I really would love your feedback on what I am doing, and nothing of
this is final yet, so if you think any of the things I wrote could be
done better in another way, please let me know. Later I won't be able
to change the design anymore.

Kind regards,

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