Hi everyone, I've come along a long way thanks to everyone's help here. I've successfully managed to deploy my application to GAE using the command line (python2.5 ./appcfg.py update ../web2py), however, am trying to get the administration panel to work with it (Google App Engine Deployment Interface), to no avail. I have a couple questions I'd really appreciate if someone could clarify:
1) Why is GAE password the same as GAE email? I get an "invalid email" when trying to type in my password in the GAE password field. 2) If I modify the admin/controllers/gae.py from: Field('password',requires=IS_EMAIL(),label=T('GAE Password'))) to: Field('password',label=T('GAE Password'))) I get to the deploy screen, and nothing shows up in the GAE output (am assuming, of course, because there is nothing to deploy?) I've also tried to change: cmd = '%s --email=%s --passin update %s' % \ (form.vars.appcfg, form.vars.email, path) to: cmd = '%s --email=%s --passin update %s' % \ ('python2.5 ' + form.vars.appcfg, form.vars.email, path) I get this in the Command: python2.5 /home/www-data/google_appengine/appcfg.py -- email=t...@gmail.com --passin update /home/www-data/web2py and completely blank for Output. 3) This is a really silly one: how do I restart web2py? In version 1.91.1, I managed to update without a hitch, but .2 and 3, I get a: "unable to upgrade because "[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/www- data/web2py/ABOUT'" for all of my files. I've tried downloading and unpacking all of the files through command line, but I seem to fail upgrading despite start/stop/restarting apache and such.