On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:01 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
> [loggers]
> keys=root,rocket,markdown,web2py,rewrite,app,welcome,cron
> # the default configuration is console-based (stdout) for backward 
> compatibility
> #
> # note that file-based handlers are thread-safe but not mp-safe;
> # for mp-safe logging, configure the appropriate syslog handler
> [handlers]
> #keys=consoleHandler
> keys=consoleHandler,rotatingFileHandler
> #keys=osxSysLogHandler
> [formatters]
> keys=simpleFormatter
> [logger_root]
> level=INFO
> handlers=consoleHandler
> [logger_web2py]
> level=INFO
> handlers=consoleHandler
> qualname=web2py
> propagate=0

I believe that it's not enough to change the keys= line; you also have to 
change the handlers= lines; notice that they're all just saying consoleHandler.

logging.conf is not a very friendly file format. I understand that some newer 
Python versions (maybe just in the recent 3.x releases; I don't recall) support 
better logging configuration syntax.

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