The problem is how to determine which selects are affected by which
update. That is a knowledge that is in database, not in cache. We can
have an option of update that removes ALL select caches for each
update but that you can already do now manually.

On Dec 15, 7:42 pm, Dragonfyre13 <> wrote:
> I see some discussion from back in 2008 on the subject, but hoping
> something might have changed.
> Is there any way that I can cache a select, and then on update,
> automatically remove any cached selects on this table/field?
> I see that I can remove cache for a specific query like this:
> cache.ram(db._uri+'/'+db(....)._select(....),None,0)
> or clear all cached selects like this: cache.ram.clear(db._uri + '/
> but I'm doing updates to a particular row, and all sorts of selects on
> that table that have many types of different select statements (and
> return data in that row). Is there a way that I can cache the select,
> and then either remove the cache for any select statements that target
> that row, or even (more intensive, but possibly doable) remove all
> selects that are cached for that table?
> Seems (from the outside looking in) that this should somehow be part
> of the update statement. Something like:
> db(...).update(..., cache=(cache.ram, 3600))
> of course this should also work on:
> db(...).select(..., cache=(cache.ram,
> 3600)).first().update_record(...)
> but I don't find any info on that in slices, book, or this mailing
> list.
> Feedback? Questions? Flames? Answers? All accepted.

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