2010/12/16 Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> > Excellent work. Thanks for sharing this. > > Note, for me, in IE8 on Windows 7, the Categories demo isn't working > properly -- once I expand a row to see the details table, I cannot > then collapse it or expand the other row (i.e., the table just gets > stuck). >
Damn I.E, I did not test in I.E or windows yet, I just have a Ubuntu and MacOs at home and just Macs at Office, I have to install some VirtualMachine to test it in windows. > > Also, I notice that one of the DataTables features listed is "Ajax > auto loading of data". Do you know if that allows for continuous > scrolling without the need to paginate (i.e., more rows are > dynamically loaded as you scroll -- like the new Google Groups > discussion topic list)? I think some other jQuery grid plugins have > that feature, but not sure if DataTables can do it. > I dont know, but guess it can be done extending datatables, there is too much feature to enable in plugin. > > Regards, > Anthony -- Bruno Rocha http://about.me/rochacbruno/bio