For security reasons, web2py does not expose the 'uploads' folder to the user, this folder can be accessed only by the 'download' function.
You can do that: change the upload folder with 'uploadfolder' parameter. <model> db.define_table('pdfs', Field('file','upload',uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/pdfs') ) </model> Create a viewer function wich redirects the user direct to the file, then, if the user has adobe acrobat plugin to view the file in browser, this file will be shown in the browser, else, will be downloaded. <controller> def viewer(): row = db( redirect(URL('static','pdfs',args=row.file)) </controller> Now you can call this as: #record id which redirects the user to: -- Bruno Rocha 2010/12/14 azarkowsky <> > In my web2py application I'm allowing users to upload PDF documents > (via an upload field) and then on another page I provide a download > link, however, I think because of the file renaming security feature > these PDF documents are truly being downloaded again (saved locally to > each user's desktop) instead of just displayed in a new browser window > as is the case with most other PDFs I encounter on other websites. Is > there any way to provide a link directly to a file that was uploaded > so the browser can display it without having to download the file > again? > > Thanks, > Adam