On Monday, December 13, 2010 10:52:20 PM UTC-5, Branko Vukelic wrote: 
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Anthony <abas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The FSF has a different agenda from people who want to distribute their
> > web2py applications closed source. GPL plus exceptions certainly works, 
> but 
> However, FSF's agenda also aligns with that of Massimo and some of us,
> contributors. We DO go by the spirit in which GPL was created
> (incidentally, I also license my open-source code under GPL/LGPLv3
> lately). If exception works, than I think it's good enough.
Yes, we're agreed on how we would like the _framework_ to be licensed -- GPL 
is great for that. The issue is how best to make it clear (both legally and 
in terms of marketing) that web2py _applications_ can be released under any 
license (including closed source). I think Massimo and most others are 
comfortable allowing developers to do what they want with their own 
applications. Empirically, I don't think we have a handle on the extent to 
which the current license might be a hindrance, or whether any reasonable 
alternative (LGPL?) would actually help.

> Rather than just switching licenses, why don't we just help Massimo
> clarify what he wanted to convey?
Sounds good. Though ideally we would get some expert advice at some point.

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