Hello Bruno,

Where can we get this really nice work!

How did you get it to work with the T() internationalisation of web2py?


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The new datatables plugin is almost done!
> I am working now on Server Side (Json/XML) data processing and some
> refactoring on plugin API, and test with the new DAL, and test it in GAE.
> By this time I have:
>    - JqueryUI+ThemeRoller
>    - Edit Inplace which calls back an ajax URL (see the screenshot)
>    - Virtual fields with virtual labels
>    - Works with joins
>    - Tooltip provided by a special virtual field for row, or by comments
>    attribute in table definition for  cells
>    - Detail information for rows (can be a detail table) - This is a
>    virtual field too.
>    - Javascript Injection
>    - Pagination with 3 different styles
>    - Highlight for rows and columns
>    - Row selecting which can call a function
>    - Collum hide/show
>    - Column reordering
>    - Sorting
>    - Search global and by field
>    - Scrolling X and Y
>    - Fixed Header Fixed Column
>    - Full i18n provided by T()
> Writing server side JS is being the most annoying part of this.
> Hope tomorrow I will put it in hg for download.
> see the attached screenshot.
> 2010/12/11 Ivan Matveev <imatvee...@gmail.com>
> Wold love to test it with joins.
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> http://about.me/rochacbruno/bio

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