I think generally there are 2 things: (a) taxonomy and (b) folksonomy.

Taxonomy is a controlled vocabulary which can only be modified/added
by a group of people with special privilege.

Folksonomy, commonly called "tags", is not centrally controlled.
Anyone who can create content and add new terms to the vocabulary.

Taxonomy is more streamlined but requires "experts" to maintain.
Folksonomy can be very rich and users can proliferate the vocabulary
with redundant terms.

Which is better depends on your problem domain and how much effort you
can put in maintaining the vocabulary.  Folksonomy will be richer and
more flexibile.  It seems self-maintained but overtime you will have
to deal with a lot of junk terms.  If you have a large community and
an interesting content, folksonomy is more interesting.

On Dec 12, 3:45 pm, Carlos <carlosgali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is not a question specific to web2py, but it's more a generic
> inquiry.
> How does 'tags' usually work in a regular website (e.g. for articles/
> blogs)?.
> I mean:
> Should tags be managed (create/update/delete tags) only by the admin
> or also by end users?.
> Should tags be used (tagging specific articles) only by the admin or
> also by end users?.
> And then how to create and manage a "tag cloud"?.
> Thanks for your input,
>    Carlos

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