New problem with latest hg pull, update. After filling login form and
submit get a ticket during the insert into auth_event different cause
than before.

The def insert at line 3610 is building a new_fields list but the
db._adapter.insert() called on the return statement at 3621 is
expecting a dict because of the **fields parameter at line 663

At line 3603 the def _insert calls self.db._adapter._insert with
new_field which is not defined. I didn't get a ticket, just noticed it
in the code.

The self._uri should be self.uri problem I mentioned in an earlier
thread is now at line 950 instead of 951
        key = self._uri + '/' + query should be key = self.uri + '/' +

Do you want me to keep testing. There seems to be a lot of code in
flight that I am not part of developing so maybe I am more of an
annoyance than a help? A lot has changed and at one point it was
running flawless for me. It is a credit to the development that so
much has been added and changed and much of it still works. I am very
interested in either couchdb or mongodb for storing the config portion
of the application I am working on.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 188,
in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/applications/ccims/controllers/", line 70, in <module>
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 95, in
    self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/applications/ccims/controllers/", line 44, in user
    return dict(form=auth())
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 1025, in
    return self.login()
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 1516, in
    self.log_event(log % self.user)
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 1268, in
    origin=origin, user_id=user_id)
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 3621, in
    return self._db._adapter.insert(self, new_fields)
  File "/home/camcentral/Dev/web2py_hg/gluon/", line 663, in
    query = table._insert(**fields)
TypeError: _insert() argument after ** must be a mapping, not list

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