With the new DAL it should take very little to create a DAL interface
to mongodb, couchdb, etc.

I can work on this if
- you help me prioritize
- you can give me access to a machine that already has your favorite
nosql db installed ready for testing


On Dec 6, 3:10 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2010, at 12:55 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > 1) The new DAL (dal.py) passes all the tests I have.
> > 2) The new DAL has integrated GAE support (datastore) without need for
> > contrib/gql.py
> > 3) The new DAL is better because more customizable, smaller (10%), and
> > more readable
> > 4) The new DAL is one single file and it does not depend on web2py.
> Have you decided to keep it as a single file, or break it into a package?

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