Hi All, Say I have a pet table and an owner table related to each other in a one to many relationship (one owner has many pets). Each owner can also define several pet types of their choosing.
db.create_table('owner', Field('name', text)) db.create_table('pet_type', Field('type_name','text'), Field('type_owner',db.owner)) db.create_table('pet', Field('pet_name', 'text'), Field('pet_type'), db.pet_type), Field('pet_owner'), db.pet_owner)) How do I create a model validator so that, when adding or editing a pet associated with a particular owner, only pet_types "belonging" to that owner show up in the form dropdown? (Owners can define their own custom pet_types). This rule displays ALL defined pet_types in the pet_type table, and not simply the ones owned by a given owner. db.pet.pet_type.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'pet_type.id', '% (type_name)s') Any help is much appreciated. Joe