
also consider:
- mobile view - good for keep updated on ticket reporting and so on...
- integrated SQL designer
- update option for each app
- routes web interface
- logging interface

Thank you
Best regards

On Nov 20, 5:12 pm, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This topic is for brainstorming future development of the admin UI.
> Please do not report bugs with the current one in this topic, since
> its purpose is not fixing the current admin.
> Here are a few ideas.
> 1. Sites section
> 1.1 Workbench
> The workbench would be the space below the current top panel. It would
> occupy the entire space below the panel and would contain icons
> representing apps, as well as some miscellanous features such as
> twitter feed. The admin would be expandable via plugins, and plugins
> would provide workbench icons that would appear on the... err...
> workbench. :)
> 1.2 Admin bar
> The admin bar would be an extension to the current panel at the top.
> It would contain menu items that open modal dialogs containing the
> functionality of the items in the current sidebar (web2py update,
> creation of new apps, deployment on GAE, etc). The functionality that
> is already in the top panel would become part of the admin bar with
> the same status (importance) as the ones currently on the sidebar.
> 1.3 Twitter feed
> The twitter feed would be presented as a separate non-modal window
> which can be closed (minimized to an icon). This feature will
> represent an example of the admin plugin as well, and it should be
> developed separately but included by default.
> 1.4 App icons
> The workbench app icons should behave more or less like desktop icons.
> Clicking on them opens the design view, and hovering over the icons
> opens a toolbar with less commonly used features like packaging and
> testing. All apps can have custom 128x128px icons in png format. The
> icon can be placed into the app directory as ``appicon.png``. The icon
> can also be uploaded at (a) app creation time via the admin bar, or
> (b) later via design view, or (c) during creation via the wizard.
> 2.0 Design window
> The design window will be a non-modal window expandable to 100% space
> of the workbench. It is has the functionality currently offered by the
> design view. The design window will behave much like a desktop IDE. It
> will have tabbed edit space, and a file list on the left. The file
> list will be a panel that is separated horizontally into two boxes.
> The top box (top panel) contains the project tree, and the bottom
> panel will contain various information about the file (what method it
> exposes, etc). The specific advantage of having a non-modal design
> window would be the ability to open multiple design windows at once,
> enabling copying of code between projects, etc.
>  2.1 Project tree
> Project tree is a expandable node system. Multiple root nodes
> correspond to current design view subsections (Models, Controllers,
> etc). Child nodes correspond to the directory/file hierarchy. Clicking
> on the root node expands it or collapses it. Right-clicking the root
> node offers options like "Expand all children", "Collapse", "Collapse
> all sections", etc. By default, all root nodes are expanded. Child
> nodes can be either file nodes or directory nodes. Dir node behaves
> the same way as root node. File nodes have a context menu that offers
> functionality such as testing, editing, or deletion. Clicking on a
> file node updates the info panel (bottom panel). Double clicking the
> file node opens it in the editor in the edit panel (right panel).
> It would be interesting to see revision control integrated with the
> file panel as well.
> 2.2 Editor panel
> The editor panel (edit space) on the right is a tabbed interface
> containing the editor of choice. It enables editing of multiple files
> and switching between them using the tabs. A tab has an X mark that
> allows closing it.
> 2.3 Design bar
> The design bar has the appearance similar to admin bar, but with
> options specific to design view. It doesn't replace the admin bar, but
> it appears attached to the design window. All design bar functionality
> should open non-modal windows of their own. This allows you to, for
> example, view the code and the ticket(s) side-by-side, etc. This
> philosophy extends to pluigin view as well, so plugin view opens a new
> non-modal design window containing the plugin-related functionality.
> That's it for now. I'll keep adding things as I think of them.
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> bg.bra...@gmail.com
> stu...@brankovukelic.com
> Check out my blog:http://www.brankovukelic.com/
> Check out my portfolio:http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxbunny/
> Registered Linux user #438078 (http://counter.li.org/)
> I hang out on identi.ca:http://identi.ca/foxbunny
> Gimp Brushmakers Guildhttp://bit.ly/gbg-group

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