This is a syntactical issue:

1) the functio must take form as arguement

def deletepage(form):
  decrements total number of pages
  decrements page number of each page after the one deleted

2) when registering the callback no ()

crud.settings.update_ondelete = deletepage

On Nov 19, 9:09 am, Audra Rudys <> wrote:
> My application follows a book metaphor -- record with number of pages and
> subrecords with consecutive page numbers.  I'm using crud.update and wish to
> run a piece of code to update the total number of pages on the record and
> reassign page numbers when a record is deleted to keep them consecutive.  I
> created a function deletepage() to do this and set update_ondelete to call
> it.  I'm also using update_next.
> crud.settings.update_next = URL(...)
> crud.settings.update_ondelete = deletepage()
> fun deletepage():
>   decrements total number of pages
>   decrements page number of each page after the one deleted
> The problem: update_ondelete is being called whenever edit is invoked,
> regardless of whether a record has been deleted.  So, if I click edit to
> edit the record, make no changes and go back with the browser back button,
> deletepage() was called once.  If I click edit and then submit the form,
> regardless of any changes or whether or not I've selected to delete the
> record, deletepage() is called twice.
> 1) Is this a web2py bug with ondelete or am I not using it correctly?
> 2) Is there a way to check if a record has been deleted?
> 3) At which point in the workflow is is actually deleted from the database?
>  (I tried querying the subrecord count in ondelete to get the new page count
> instead of blindly decrementing, but the deleted record was still counted.)
> Environment info: web2py 1.89.3 and 1.89.4 source on WinXP (from version
> file within, both look to be 1.89.3 though), Chrome browser 7.0.517.44.
> Thanks for any help!
> Audra

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