I added your limitby code to some places.
I haven't seen the same slowdowns recently, though, so it's hard to
tell what happened - maybe it's from a fresh install of postgresql?
We'll see if it comes back.

On Nov 1, 11:01 pm, KMax <mkostri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please check .first() or .last() usage.
> With Postgres for some reason, all data are transfered to DAL, and on
> w2p side first or last recored selected.
> Solution also are easy use:
> .select(limitby=(0,1)).first()
> or
> select(limitby=(0,1),orderby=~db.papers.id).first()
> or
> .select(limitby=(0,1),orderby=db.papers.id).first().
> orderby=~ and orderby= will give you last or first for .first()
> and .last() - since only one record are returned from db.
> Hope I score.
> On 29 ÏËÔ, 12:53, Chris <partyonais...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > I've noticed some serious slowdowns ever since I switched from SQLite
> > to Postgres. Pages will take MINUTES to load - it's kind of
> > fascinating.
> > I don't have the full explanation for what's going on yet but I do
> > have some clues. I've noticed it happens locally, and in a specific
> > way:
> > 1) I load the page up in one browser and it loads and reloads fine.
> > 2) When I open the page up in another browser or in an incognito
> > session on the same machine, the page request hangs, usually for
> > longer than two minutes.
> > I don't know for sure that it's Postgres related, but I don't remember
> > seeing this on SQLite.
> > This is something I really need to fix! Can anyone reproduce this? Are
> > there profilers or particular places in the code I can tag?
> > Thanks! - Chris

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