In admin/controllers/|search(), can you add a print
statement to make sure it is being called and it is returning te
correct list of matching files?

On Nov 10, 2:49 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> > One thing that's a bit odd is the in file search, which doesn't seem
> > to have any effect on FF (I entered "index" and pressed enter). On IE
> > it's a bit different: "index" and [enter] collapsed all sections
> > (Models, Controllers, Views,...) and they couldn't be expanded again
> > after this. Only F5 solved this.
> Actually, I don't think running the search collapses the sections.
> Instead, I think it is supposed to hide everything except the files
> that match the search. The problem is, it appears to simply hide
> everything, including the files that match the search (so the files
> are hidden, not collapsed). F5 (or clicking the Edit button at the
> top) gets you back to the original page, without the search.
> Obviously we should fix the search. But once it's fixed, we should
> also make sure there's some UI indicator when there are no search
> results -- otherwise, the user is likely to be confused by what
> appears to be all of the sections collapsing.
> Anthony

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