You should be able to access the variables passed by your form through: request.vars
ex. Given a form with this control: <input type="text" name="chatText" id="chatText"/> You can access this in the controller through: request.vars.chatText On Nov 9, 6:04 pm, Lorin Rivers <> wrote: > OK, I answered my own question from before. > > I now have in my controller: > my_macaddr = db4().select(db4.data_table.MacAddr, distinct=True) > > def display_form(): > form = FORM(TR("Select a MAC Address :", > SELECT(_name='MacAddrSelect', > *[OPTION(my_macaddr[i].MacAddr, _value=str(my_macaddr[i].MacAddr)) for i in > range(len(my_macaddr))])), > TR(INPUT(_type='submit'))) > return dict(form=form) > > Which gives me the form I want. How do I turn the result of the submit into a > query? > > I want to generate something along the lines of this: > > db4((db4.data_table.MacAddr=='00000000000000AF') & > (db4.data_table.ReqTime>='2010-11-08T21:00') & > (db4.data_table.ReqTime>='2010-11-08T22:00')) > > Thanks! > -- > Lorin Rivers > Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <> > <> > 512/203.3198 (m)