I can volunteer time and input for the LMS idea. I'm not experienced enough with Python and web2py yet to contribute good code but can help with frontend UI, design, jQuery and documentation.
Assuming the project would have a Free license? I'd be happy to register, host, set up and manage a dedicated site for the project. The site could reference a bitbucket Hg repository (issue tracking there), have a demo, download links (including plugins and themes), a forum for users and developers (I'd be happy to moderate), documentation etc. In daydreaming time I have spent many hours trying to come up with a name for such a system. Because there is already 'desire2learn' in the market it's probably not good to use the '2' in the middle again like web2py. I am fully behind Massimo's focus on the user. As such the universally accepted term 'Learning Management System' (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_management_system) is very appropriate - so how about calling it 'elemes'? get it?! 'elemes.com' and 'elemes.org' are available. I'd be happy to buy these and provide hosting for a site for the project if people think this might be a good name? (You could change it later - but it'd get us started with a place to discuss requirements, design criteria and goals away from the web2py list.) Thoughts? On 3 November 2010 22:35, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote: > We need to assemble a team.