At the risk of asking a stupid question:

I have a table of links.  There is a bit of data associated with each
link.  I want to have that bit of data available in the controller
function that is being referred-to in the link, but I don't want to
pass anything to do with that data via the URL.    This must be a
situation that has come up before, but I can't seem to find the magic
google words to show it to me.

Would I have to use javascript?

My tests below doesn't seem to permanently update the session object
inside setnum(), even though request.args does contain the number sent
by ajax.  Inside showme(), the session value is default once again,
making me thing the cookies are somehow required in the ajax call.

def testajax():
    for i in range(10):
                A('Click Me', _href=URL(f='showme'),
_onclick=XML("$.ajax({url: 'setnum/" + str(i) + "'})"))
    return dict(table=TABLE(rows), session=session)

def setnum():
    session.num = request.args[0]
    print request.args
    print str(request.vars)
    print str(response.vars)
    print str(session)

    print session.num

def showme():
    print 'in showme:'
    print session.num
    return dict(request=request, response=response ,session=session)

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