Is this the cause of the slow close and the underlying purpose for it?

I believe most systems allow this timer to be adjusted by registry in
Windows and /proc in Linux, not sure on Mac

If the server does the bind call with SO_REUSEADDR for the listen port
it should be able to get back on without waiting for the TIME-WAIT

So those are the parts of the behaviour I would expect to cause a
socket busy when there are no listeners. However what you describe
seems to be beyond the normal timers. A socket can take a very long
time to close if the remote system just crashes and never gets a
chance to send a FIN to the peer.

I am probably stating the obvious, used to do a lot of network
programming about 10 years ago.

On Oct 23, 7:54 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I am teaching a class on Advanced network programming in C?? (nothing
> web2py related) and students are reporting to me that Mac OSX takes a
> long time to release a port after the program creating the socket has
> been killed or crashed. The delay seems to be as large as one minute.
> During this time the socket cannot be used again.
> It is a OSX weirdness.
> Massimo
> On Oct 23, 1:52 am, annet <> wrote:
> > Yes, this is on Mac OS X, both Leopard and Leopard Server. I am glad
> > it's not just me experiencing these problems.
> > Annet.

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