On 14-10-2010 07:34, mdipierro wrote:
>> 3. I love the "append" (and probably other methods)  of the Helpers, really 
>> beautiful !!
>> Why does Menu not allow these methods ?
> it does. Menu is just a list of tuples
> response.menu=[]
> submenu_title=[]
> response.menu.append(("Search",False,URL('index'),submenu_title))
> submenu_title.append(("Google",False,'http://www.google.com'))
Sorry wrong case,
I mean the global helper function MENU()

if try this:
  response.beertje = MENU([['Stef',True,'http://pic.flappie.nl']])
  response.beertje.append (['AP',False,"http://pic.flappie.nl";])

I get the following error message:
AttributeError: 'MENU' object has no attribute 'components'


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