The problem is that you may have both request.get_vars and


    if form.accepts(request.vars, session):


    if form.accepts(request.post_vars, session):

should fix the problem.

On Oct 9, 11:14 pm, John Tynan <> wrote:
> Has anyone here tried to display variables from request.vars in a form field?
> I am getting a strange result, where the variables are displayed
> properly on the form
> However, after the form is submitted, I notice that the variables are
> duplicated.  See this screen capture:
> These variables also seem to have the pipe character on either side
> which tells me I might be somehow saving a list into the form,
> something like that.
> Here is the code I'm using for the add_story 
> function:
> Any suggestions you might have are appreciated.
> --
> Email:
> Phone: 510-859-3698

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