This boils down to the expected behavior of a autocomplete. if one
types an incomplete string that has a match, should the match be
returned or not? What do other people think?


On Oct 6, 9:51 am, luismurciano <> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I have found something that I want to discuss.
> Using the Autocomplete Widget if I write in the field with this widget
> the dropdown suggestion menu appears correctly but I have noticed the
> widget submits the first value of that list but doesn't put the value
> in the field. Example:
> I have a model with
> db.define_table('contacts',\
>                 SQLField('name','string'),\
>                 SQLField('notes','string')))
> db.define_table('events',\
>                 SQLField('when','datetime'),\
>                 SQLField('who',db.contacts,requires =
> IS_IN_DB(db,"","")))
> = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request,
> Assuming I have Alexander in contacts if a write Alexis its work
> propertly becouse the form returns an error (Alexis is not in the
> Database) but if i write in that field Alex and I submit it I dont get
> any error, the widget suposes that I meant Alexander but doesnt
> modifies the field before the submit so its hard to detect. I think it
> should returns the same error.
> To fix this I can change line 518 in web2py/gluon/ and
> remove:
> jQuery('#%(key3)s').val(jQuery('#%(key)s').val());
> I want to know how to fix it without editing the web2py/gluon/
> any sugestion?

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