I was having a discussion with my DBA on why the DB he tuned for another project ran so much better than the one tuned for general use (I was previously on the dedicated server, now on the general use server). He said the configuration was the same, with one change. Transaction isolation level was set to 0 (in mysql it's "read uncommitted")
He said that most DALs, especially JDBC allow for this to be set for many databases on a session basis, so I can have my cake (the bigger generally tuned server) and eat it too (transaction isolation set to 0). Here's how to set it for mysql for example: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/set-transaction.html I'm wondering if there's a way in web2py that I can do this. I kind of expected if it were there it would be in the connection string, but I don't see anything there for it. Is there support for this, or do I go back to my DBA to convince him to set the transaction isolation to 0 on the general server as well?