I have a table in which users can insert/update css declarations to customize a page's styling. Some sample records:
declaration_id 1 declaration.company_id 263 declaration_selector body declaration_property background-color declaration.value #C0D785 declaration_id 1 declaration.company_id 263 declaration.selector body declaration.property color declaration.value #008AC9 declaration_id 1 declaration.company_id 263 declaration.selector body declaration.property font-family declaration.value Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,Sans- Serif declaration_id 1 declaration.company_id 263 declaration.selector #header declaration.property background-color declaration.value #C0D785 declaration_id 1 declaration.company_id 263 declaration.selector #header declaration.property color declaration.value #0088C7 In the cms I would like the user to be able to insert/update the declarations per selector (resulting in forms with one, two or three fields). From what I understand crud.create and crud.update don't support this kind of behaviour. I thought of building a custom form using SQLFORM.factory, however, I have no idea of how to pre-populate the fields in case of updates. I hope one of you does. Furthermore, I hope one of you could provide me with a simpler solutions. Kind regards, Annet.