Don't copy any of those former systems do.

As a student, I have a great disdain for webct, moodle, and the ilk.

These are the key features from a students perspective.

1. Time spent on it. I want to spend as little time as possible on the
site so I can get back to being lazy. All I care about is A) What
assignments have I not done, and B) what is the last possible moment I
could finish them.
2. Cross-platform. I actually had to purchase and install windows just
so I could use IE 5 to check my assignments and turn them in.  The
3. Messages to email box (assignment alerts would be nice too). I
don't want to have to communicate with my professor through a poorly
implemented email messaging system. Allow me to use my actual email to
communicate with my professor. I am thinking of something similar to
Disqus that allows you to reply to threads as a email reply.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Jason Brower <> wrote:
> Now that I think of it, your right, these are things that my teachers have
> complained about too. :D
> On 09/28/2010 06:26 PM, mdipierro wrote:
>> I am the chair of a a university committee in charge of evaluating
>> LMS. We looked at many.
>> The major players are:
>> - Blackbard (BB)
>> - Desire2Learn (D2L)
>> - Moodle (free)
>> BB acquired webct (and killed it), Angel (excellent system, will kill
>> it too), Wimba (video chat, thus cutting D2L out) and sued D2L (lost).
>> Moodle is very poor in comparison to BB and D2L but free. It is
>> written in PHP and people hacked into it during the demo.
>> BB and D2L cost $100,000+ year in license (not including hosting) to a
>> medium size university in their base configuration.
>> The base configuration DOES NOT include:
>> - CMS
>> - Wiki/Blogging system
>> - Video confrencing
>> - Storage for large files and media streaming capability
>> All the existing LMS have a basic desin flaw. The content belongs to a
>> course not the author. That means that if the author is an instructor
>> who uses the same content in multiple courses, the content has to be
>> replicated. At best they offer tools to replicate content and charge
>> an arm and a leg for this.
>> Content (files, assignments, wikis, blogs, videos, etc.) should belong
>> to whoever created it. Courses should just contain people (not stuff).
>> Stuff is made available to courses. the course opening page itself
>> should be a wiki page made available to the members (the students).
>> Groups should have a hierarchy.
>> Massimo
>> On Sep 28, 9:39 am, Richard Vézina<>
>> wrote:
>>> It is a big project and most university are already involved with vendor
>>> like WebCT or other open source project...
>>> I think the inertia force will be really big...
>>> But, it have been demonstrated that the projects already available are
>>> difficult to make evolved... So, web2py could offer an easily evolving
>>> environnement of learning management system.
>>> With a lite learning management system you could targetted the market of
>>> business.
>>> Richard
>>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:01 AM, mdipierro<>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Once again... who here is interested in a web2py based Learning
>>>> Management system?
>>>> What features would you like to see?
>>>> Massimo

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