massimo,  i need to be able to redirect the user after registration,
not login.  But only when the user has clicked on an invitation link -
i.e. not always.   It seems to me the auth.settings.register_next is
not working (or i do not understand how it works).

I see in the default user controller that this redirect:
passes in the url to go to after successful login, and this works as
expected. It handles the case where a user was sent an invitation link
and WAS ALREADY a registered user,

but this statement:
    auth.settings.register_next = next
does not seem to do anything

Lastly I do not see where the default user controller get invoked
after register, but before it auto-logs the user in.  In other words I
do not know where to put my code and what would signal it.

On Sep 26, 9:58 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> store the url is and after login if redirect
> there and clear the variable.
> On Sep 26, 4:48 am, "david.waldrop" <> wrote:
> > I have an application that enables users to invite others by
> > capturing
> > their email address and sending an email invite.  The invite includes
> > a link to a specific 'community'.  When the user clicks the link they
> > are taken to the application.  If they are already registered (which
> > is not the case on 1st run experience) they are taken directly to the
> > meeting.   What I have not been able to figure out is how I take the
> > user to the meeting when they are a brand new user and have to
> > register first.  I studied several posts where you and others were
> > debating the changes to trunk and the various paths to accomplish
> > this
> > but did not see a solution.
> > The goal is the following:
> > 1) user clicks link
> > 2) system displays login screen
> > 3) user selects to register
> > 4) system registers and logs user in
> > 5) system takes user to correct community
> > Here is what I have in me default/index controller now:
> > def index():
> >     if not auth.is_logged_in():
> >         # if user clicked email link, redirect to login and set url
> > to
> > get and check meeting password
> >         #meetingparm = request.env.http_host.split('.')[1]
> >         #meeting = db(
> >         meeting = db(
> >         if meeting:     # user clicked a link with a valid meeting,
> > lets get'em logged in and figure out who they are
> >             next =
> > URL(r=request,c='meetings',f='getmeetingpassword',
> >             auth.settings.register_onaccept=lambda form:
> > redirect(next)
> >             auth.settings.register_next = next
> > redirect(URL(r=request,f='user',args='login',vars=dict(_next=next)))
> >     return dict(message=T(''))
> > The problem is I do not see how to ask web2Py to redirect to
> > "next' (see code above) if they have to register first and are auto-
> > logged in.

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