Hello, I have Topics Tree like this
db.define_table("Topics", Field("parent_id","reference Topics", label=T("Parent Topic"), #~ widget=my_hierarchical_options_widget, # probably overriden by requires requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, 'Topics.id','Topics.name')) ), .... ) after exporting I get Topics.id,Topics.parent_id, ... 10,10,... 11,10,... but after reimporting the first record looses parent_id I can see by exporting again: 27,10,... 28,27,... I understand that it should have some hook to update its reference after it learns it's id. probably this is not very often way to model sth but is probably a bug - ps.: I was defining "root" topics this way, but I found workaround to define root's by parent_id=None ;)