Will do

On 20 Sep 2010, at 14:35, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:

> Can you please try trunk?
> On Sep 20, 8:09 am, Carl <carl.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It took a bit of binary upgrading to pin down this issue but I#ve
>> found that it's between 1.84.4 and 1.85.1
>> However since 1.85.1 (thru to 1.85.3) selects and inserts to the
>> datastore fail when I use a SQLCustom definition (see details below).
>> On dev_appserver all continues to work fine.
>> But locally on sqlite...  operations on the datastore fail at gluon/
>> sql.py (in v1.85.1 it's line 3323) class Set, parse() after line "elif
>> field_type == 'datetime'\"
>> (y, m, d) = [int(x) for x in str(value)[:10].strip().split('-')]
>> ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
>> Background:
>> Locally Web2py drops the microseconds from datetime. On GAE it does
>> not.
>> I need the accuracy so I added the following db.py to define a
>> Fieldtype 'timestamp':
>> if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
>>     from gluon.contrib.gql import *
>>     db = DAL('gae')
>>     session.connect(request, response, db=db)
>>     timestamp = 'datetime'
>> else: # else use a normal relational database
>>     db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
>>     from gluon.sql import SQLCustomType
>>     import datetime
>>     from time import mktime, localtime
>>     timestamp = SQLCustomType(type='datetime',
>>                               native='NUMERIC(16,6)',
>>                               encoder=(lambda x:
>> str(mktime(x.timetuple()) + x.microsecond/1000000.0)),
>>                               decoder=(lambda x: datetime.datetime(*
>> (list(localtime(int(x))[:6])+[int(round(x%1,6)*1000000)]) )))
>> Is this definition of timestamp using SQLCustomType no longer
>> appropriate/workable?
>> Tables that don't include a timestamp field work correct in 1.84.x and
>> 1.85.x

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