Sounds reasonable, but would I need to worry about the cascade attribute? In a CMS, I would hate to suddenly loose existing content that's tied to a user id if the user decides to retire his profile. =HC
On Sep 20, 5:14 am, KMax <> wrote: > I guess, this is still actual. > And some thought on profile remove feature. > If some posts or any other records are referenced to the profile, is > it good idea to drop them in cascade? I guess not. The obly way is > mark profile as removed (or might empty all fields), and process this > flag in app. > > Cross auth is more instresting feature. I move forward and ask: > Is there the way to have (for expl) two sites with own users and > groups, both managed by different people. > User get logged on one site and ajaxing the page from another site, > but restrict this ajaxing by groups on first one.(I am making both > sides) > Maybe func on second site which should be ajaxed, will ask for > permission at first site? > Is it possible to use onAuth for this? > > Sorry if so complicated. > On 17 авг, 01:32, mdipierro <> wrote: > > > b) a new version of the CAS appliances based onAuth > > > b - is in the todo list > > On 17 авг, 05:34, mdipierro <> wrote: > > > > > I understand now. > > > > This action is like "completly remove my account from the website" ==> > > > the opposite of "register". > > > This should be easy to do. I am traveling this week but I can do it > > the next. Please remind me.