Hi Massimo,
in sql.py and dal.py def as_dict(self,datetime_to_str=False): d = dict(self) for k in copy.copy(d.keys()): v=d[k] if isinstance(v,Row): d[k]=v.as_dict() elif isinstance(v,Reference): d[k]=int(v) elif isinstance(v, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime, datetime.time)): if datetime_to_str: d[k] = v.isoformat().replace('T',' ')[:19] elif not isinstance(v,(str,unicode,int,long,float,bool)): del d[k] return d if I understand correctly this code "swallows" NULL datetimes (and probably other nulls), wouldn't be better to have the following? if d[k] is not None: del d[k] mic