It is Open Source indeed, you'll be able to change it to suit your needs, 95% of the information in it is localized (i.e. {{=XML(T('Message in English'))}} ) so all you'll need to do is create a custom dictionary for it.
I don't see why it wouldn't work on the GAE, I personally do not have too much experience other than in the Linux and OSX world, I am using both MySQL and Postgres for miscellaneous testing, but there is nothing that I can see that would be a "show-stopper", I am using the web2py DAL for pretty much everything, (i.e. db.question_subscriptions.insert(auth_user_id=user_id, question_id=question_id, is_active=True) for inserting a subscription for a question). The CSS is also pretty customizable for colors, etc. On Sep 6, 3:50 pm, Bruno Rocha <> wrote: > Works on GAE? thats open source? > > I wish to provide something like that for Brazilian/portuguese community in > > > 2010/9/6 Julio Schwarzbeck <> > > > > > Pleased to inform the community that I finally had some time to > > heavily work on one of my web2py pets, pyStack is coming along quite > > nicely and it is being developed as we speak, pyStack is a SO > > "inspired" system developed in the best web framework available for > > Python nowadays :) > > > pyStack aims to be a very SIMPLE version of SO, with all the fat > > trimmed down to the basic functionality, yet it'll contain all the > > expected features such as subscriptions, voting (including voting on > > comments), role-based and heavy administration regarding Q&A postings, > > the code will be open source of course and currently is at 60%-65% > > completed, I have a couple of screenshots on my blog (done in web2py > > also :) if you want to see something visual > > > > > > Cheers, > > > Julio > > -- > >