I am using the LOAD command to invoke a custom comment module in a view like this:
{{=LOAD('comments','comment',args=(r.id), ajax=True)}}{{pass}} The LOAD statement is called for each row displayed on the view . Note there are multiple rows. The controller is very straight forward and looks like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def comment(): print 'in comment controller with item_id = ', request.args(0) item_id=request.args(0) db.itemcomments.item_ref.default=item_id db.itemcomments.created_by.represent=lambda id: db.auth_user[id].email form=SQLFORM(db.itemcomments, submit_button='Add') if form.accepts(request.vars, session): print request.vars sink=1 elif form.errors: response.flash = 'Invalid data.' comments=db(db.itemcomments.item_ref==item_id).select(orderby=db.itemcomments.created_on) return dict(form = form,comments=comments) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 1st appearance everything looks fine. The items are displayed along with their corresponding comments. The input text box is displayed along with the add button. The problem is that for any given record the 1st time i try and add a new comment nothing happens. However, the 2nd and subsequent times I add comments for a record it works.