hello, I am strugling with list:integer export/import
after export->reimport I get web2py list:int ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '[1, 13, 14]' I use it in my computed field, which returns a list I tried "|%s|" % '|'.join( map(str, the_list) ) but it exports stuff nevertheless as "[1, 13, 14]" if I comment out .copute -- it is show as "[1, 13, 14]" in appadmin/ update so I replace in exported file with "|1|13|14|" but GAE then sais invalid literal for int() with base 10: "|1|13|14|" though nonGAE imported it OK but then exported again as "[1, 13, 14]" ps.: I tried also "1|13|14" -- which did imported it __as string__ and the started throwing messages and hanging up :/ so I used to change "list:int" to "string" to inspect/delete such stuff by the way, If I change list:int to string, it always show exlists as "|1|13|14|" and exports them OK ;) and the could import again as string OK, and change field_type to list:int OK :) BUT GAE complains after I convert back to "list:integer" Property the_field must be a list === FINAL QUESTION === how could one IMPORT list:integer to GAE ?