I agree that polymodel would be trivial. We would only need to decide
how to pass parameters to db.define_table to determine if a table is a
polymodel or extends an existing one. This would not have an
equivalent in SQL.

On Sep 2, 10:40 am, Dave <thefe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm new to Web2py and trying to get a sense for its GAE support,
> beyond the basic "RDBMS-like" functions (which Web2py seems to support
> very well!)
> Expando models and PolyModel:  Is there any way to use either of these
> with the DAL currently?  Are there plans to, if not?  PolyModel
> especially seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to add, as it can
> be used identically to the default Model class (all of its magic is
> handled under the hood I think.)
> Thanks for the information, and the great work so far.  I'm really
> impressed with how easy web2py is to develop with.

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