Actually if you look on, you will find some
library that maps the twitter REST api to
python methods.  But I did not relay on that as it would have added
more dependencies.
I think that is something that you can use depending the application
you are going to develop.

Things are simple even without external libraries, look for instance
at the get_user method in, how it gets user info:

    def get_user(self):
        if self.accessToken() is not None:
            client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.accessToken())
            resp, content =
            if resp['status'] != '200':
                # cannot get user info. should check status
                return None
            u = json.loads(content)
            return dict(username=u['screen_name'], name=u['name'],

so you build a client, make a request to a REST api url

To post a tweet see:

in your controller you should write something like this:

import oauth2 as oauth
def sendtweet():
  token = auth.settings.login_form.accessToken() # you can use this
also if you prefer: token=session.access_token
  consumer = oauth.Consumer(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) #<- CLIENT_ID,
CLIENT_SECRET are defined in
  client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, token)
  # encode the message
  message = 'My web2py post!"
  #make a post
  resp, content =
"POST", body=data)
  if resp['status'] != '200':
    #manage the error
    return dict(message="Could not send tweet! :-( ")

  return dict(message="Succesfully sent! :-)")

if you call method returning some data I suggest tu use the .json
version of it and use
simplejson to decode it to a python dictionary (see the get_user() method above)

hope that helps...

2010/8/30 Albert Abril <>:
> Just a question: what do you use for post a tweet, read statuses... ?
> Thanks in advance.
> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Albert Abril <>
> wrote:
>> :) Thank you!
>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Michele Comitini
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I've uploaded a scaffolding app as example of authentication with
>>> twitter oauth.  You can find source code here:
>>> Or you can clone the repository locally:
>>> as usual it is also on GAE for testing:
>>> Please enjoy and send feedback.
>>> tnx
>>> michele

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