Excellent! I was just coming up on a personal project that requires me to use a legacy database. I wasn't looking forward to writing the models myself. Thanks for this plugin.
Dalen On Aug 26, 5:36 pm, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote: > Create the web2py code needed to access your mysql legacy db. > > To make this work all the legacy tables you want to access need to > have an "id" field. > > This plugin needs: > mysql > mysqldump > installed and globally available. > > Under Windows you will probably need to add the mysql executable > directory to the PATH variable, > you will also need to modify mysql to mysql.exe and mysqldump to > mysqldump.exe. > Just guessing here :) > > Access your tables with: > legacy_db(legacy_db.mytable.id>0).select() > > If the script crashes this is might be due to that fact that the > data_type_map dictionary is incomplete. > Please complete it, improve it and continue. > > downloadhttp://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~fkrause/web2py.plugin.legacymysq... > screenshothttp://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~fkrause/screenshot_legacymysql.png