On 12 ago, 00:23, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Could you provide a list of features you would like to see?
> Massimo
> On Aug 11, 4:52 pm, puercoespin <jzaragoza.puercoes...@gmail.com>
> wrote:

First of all, I want to indicate that I am not an expert in SEO, not
in Python not in Web2py. In fact, I am not expert in anything  :)

I think that a good beginning to create a list of possible features
that, in my opinion, it should have Web2py in reference to SEO, would
be the Google’s doc " Google's Search Engine Optimization. Starter
Guide ", and it can be found in " http: //
". It is a brief document, of only 22 pages, but very interesting and
whose reading I recommend. In addition, it has links to go deeper into
some treated topics, as well as to tools for webmaster related to SEO.

What I am going to expose is a small summary of the document, as a
list, of the elements that a web site must have in order that it could
obtain a good positioning. I think that in some of them, web2py might
facilitate the fulfilment of these elements.

1.- "Create unique, accurate page titles", "Create unique title tags
for each page", "Make use of the 'description' meta tag", "Use unique
descriptions for each page", "Improve the structure of your URLs".

When Google presents us a list of webs as result of a search, he
presents first the title of the web, a small text, which can - or not
- match with the text of the meta tag "description", and a url link to
the web. So is very important put the major care in refilling this
meta tags. So I think that Web2py must to ask for title and
description when created a new application. In order that every page
has a title and a different description, depending on his content,
maybe doing that the controller returning variables title and

URL’s must included words that can be found in a user search. And
reflected the web’s structure, if possible, clean and ordered. Also,
if a user “cuts” some parts of a url, (www.exemple.com/an/url/very/
large/  and user cuts /large, for example)  the reply not would be an
stranger message. About url’s, I think web2py does a good job.

2.-   "Make your site easier to navigate"

Everything related to the user ease of navigation will be appreciated
by the search engines. In fact, in SEO, accessibility and usability
counts. So it's recommended a sitemap (lower case), that is a html
file, generally located in the root, and with a hierarchy links of the
pages of the site, maybe with its title and description. This file is
aimed to human visitors.

Also, it's recommended a Sitemap (upper case), That’s a xml file,
aimed to search engines. With this file, the webmaster can inform to
search engines about the frequency of changes of the web, or what are
the most important pages of our sites. In both files, I think that
web2py has job to do.

Another interesting element would be a “breadcrumb”. That’s a row of
internal links, located in top or/and bottom of the page as title.site
> title.page1 > title.page2 > title.page3. There a lot of snippets of
code in Django that implements a breadcrumb. Also, there a project in
google code in "http://code.google.com/p/django-breadcrumbs/  ".
Whats about Web2py??

And last, a 404 personalized page, that kindly redirects users to the
root, or show a list of links of the most visited pages, its very

3.- "Offer quality content and services" , "Write better anchor text",
“Use heading tags appropriately” “Optimize your use of images”

Well, I think with that, any framework has nothing to do.  :)

4.- “Make effective use of robots.txt”.

Maybe all web2py application would be, by default, a robots.txt file
with, at least, this content:

User-agent: “
Disallow: /static/

A robots.txt is a good practice, simple to follow.

5. “Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links”.

As example of use, the google’s document example:

<a href=http://www.shadyseo.com/ rel=”nofollow”>Comment spammer</a>

Maybe interesting. As point the google doc:

“Setting the value of the "rel" attribute of a link to "nofollow" will
tell Google that certain links on your
site shouldn't be followed or pass your page's reputation to the pages
linked to. […]If your site has a blog with public commenting turned
on, links within those comments could pass your reputation to pages
that you may not be comfortable vouching for. Blog comment areas on
pages are highly susceptible to comment spam. Nofollowing these user-
added links ensures that you're not giving your page's hard-earned
reputation to a spammy site. Many blogging software packages
automatically nofollow user comments”

6. “Promote your website in the right ways” “Make use of free
webmaster tools”.

Well, that’s work for the webmaster, not frameworks… but maybe some
webmaster tools can offer ideas for implementing in web2py??

7. “Take advantage of web analytics services.”

I don’t know if with web2py is easy or not to access Analytics api,
but maybe would be interesting that web2py has access to this api by
default. Some frameworks has, for example, plone. (Yes, I know, plone
is a CMS, not a framework as web2py.).

Sorry for the excessive extension of this mail.


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